Identifying and responding to an employee’s declining work performance and/or behavioral problems can be challenging. The American Behavioral Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provides you with a means of formally addressing problems in the workplace, while also allowing you to support one of your most valuable assets: your employees.
Below is a brief summary of the steps you should take to initiate the formal management referral process. Formal Management Referral Guide includes a more detailed description of the entire process.
Before Meeting With Your Employee
Verify that you are authorized to make a formal management referral.
Identifying the Troubled Employee form is a useful tool for documenting specific problematic behaviors. However, it is not required as part of the formal management referral process.
Call the Management Support Center at 800-925-5327. An American Behavioral associate will facilitate the referral process and provide you a telephone number for the employee to call and any documentation required for the formal management referral process.
Discussing the Referral With Your Employee
Schedule a private meeting with the employee to review the reason(s) you are making the referral.
Ensure that he or she signs the confidential Formal Management Referral-Letter.
Direct the employee to call American Behavioral at the telephone number provided to you by the Management Support Center associate.
After Meeting With Your Employee
Complete the Formal Management Referral form, and fax it and the confidential Management Referral Letter to American Behavioral at 800-925-5327.